AI Helping Fusion Reactor Technology

AI software is being utilized in nuclear fusion development. The AI-based software module is being developed as a potential solution to identify complex containment field issues. Thus helping to maintain plasma, that resides in the reactor’s core, under control.[1]

This development is a leap closer to viable fusion reactors that produce cleaner energy than current fission reactors.

Just to clarify, there are two main types of power generation reactors being discussed here:

1. ‘Old’ fission reactors are currently in full use today. These use uranium rods and fresh water. The water is super-heated and creates tritiated wastewater in the process. The poisonous wastewater is a major concern, that is the main focus for many energy scientists.

2. ‘New’ in-development fusion reactor that uses plasma in a magnetic containment field which does not titrate water in the energy generation process. Another concern is to not use more energy in generating the hot plasma than the reactor output can produce. This is something that has been tested on a very small scale by ITER. ITER is currently working on a larger-scale test reactor.

The current ‘older’ reactors use nuclear fission with uranium rods. Part of the power generation process uses water which turns, otherwise drinkable, water into poison. The wastewater is radioactive for 12.5 years but will stay undrinkable forever.[2]

[1, Scientists May Have Tamed Fusion’s #1 Nemesis, by Darren Orf,, accessed 3rd March 2024]

[2, see below…]

Carbon Output from Humans Just Breathing?

The word put out on the street, so to speak, in the UK: It is better for health to go on walks rather than runs… Hum building a theory here on CO2 output from humans…

“The average person exhales approximately 2.3 pounds of CO2 per day.”[1]

I understand that figure is with minimum exercise from looking at their calculator on the site (see [1] below). (2.3 pounds in kg is 1.04326 kg).

According to Worldometer on a Google search, there are 7.888 billion people alive on Earth at present. (July 2023)

7.888 billion x 1.04326 kg = 8.229 (3dp) billion kg (or 8 million metric tonnes PER DAY) in just breathing air in and a percentage of CO2 out.

“In 2019, humans emitted more than 35 billion tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels. It can be difficult to picture a “ton” of a gas like CO2, […].[2]

So in 2019, 95 million (not sure if it is metric tonnes or US or UK ton???) of CO2 and other gases per day from burning right?

4.7 million metric tonnes of fart per day based on 1.2 litres per day worldwide (based on the density of methane, but there is a mix of gases not just methane).[3]

Summary Calcs

8.2 + 4.7 = 12.9 million metric tonnes of gases from humans (total world population per day) (not including anything else i.e. motor cars).

12.9 * 365 = 4.708 billion tonnes of gases per year for the total population on Earth breathing and farting (don’t get me wrong this is a very loose calculation and most likely got it a bit wrong somewhere). In any case, kiss goodbye to ‘carbon neutral’, another government blunder.


[1, How Much CO2 Do Humans Produce? Human CO2 Exhale Calculator,by Georgette Kilgore for, accessed 26/07/2023]

[2,, accessed 26th July 2023]

[3, Ten facts about why we fart,, accessed 26th July 2023

Side Notes

JUST A SIDE ISSUE HOW MANY HUMANS CAN YOU HAVE BEFORE THERE’S NOT ENOUGH BREATHABLE AIR? Here is an article about that: (Be aware that trees are not the only oxygen-generating plant life.)

I could take my thoughs into a more scentific approach but I probably need more oxygen. 🙂

This is all about humans and does not include all animal life or the natural recycling of gases via plants etc…

Elon Musk, Turning Bond Super Villian?

Pumping chemicals into the sea and Cornwall, England should probably never appear in the same sentence let alone in an article. The idea of pumping out these chemicals seems monstrous. However, it is my understanding that the waste output from water companies already has Magnesium Hydroxide in it[1]. So was the news about Magnesium Hydroxide just a throw-away checky remark from Musk gone too far?

England will not say no to Canada because they have the best Uranium for our nuclear power plants. 🙂 Why else would we risk destroying Cornwall a worldwide known holiday hot spot? Will it be just Magnesium Hydroxide or is it 10-20% something worse? Did they include the disposal of all the dead fish and oceanic wildlife in this deal?

Another related article: What is Ocean Acidification?

(Just watch out because I think some rich people are trying to paint Elon Musk as a supervillain… to damage their reputation. Note, I don’t know him personally.)

[1, 13th July’22, What is Magnesium Hydroxide,]

“One thing is certain: we can expect the unexpected.”

I was just thinking about this quote and have found this on Twitter. In projects and in life there are always unexpected things. For example, landing an airbus plane and/or rescuing people.

Mistaken for a Jew

This is what happened when Salisbury (UK) police spread a rumar that I were a Jew:

I got antisemitism and physiological attack by a gang. I had people shouting at me in the street (as this spread to other areas). – Not Devon.

So sorry Jewish community that this is what you face. I am not a Jew, not a Nazi and not a Satanist. Okay?

I got told to ‘go home’ because the rumar included that I were a Polish Jew.

The Christian Ten Commandments

“1) I am the Lord thy god, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
2) Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
3) Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
4) Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
5) Honor thy father and thy mother.
6) Thou shalt not murder.
7) Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8) Thou shalt not steal.
9) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
10) Thou shalt not covet anything that belongs to thy neighbor.”[1]

[1, The Ten Commandments, Jewish Virtual Library,, accessed 27th June 2022]

[For more information see Christian bible, Exodus 20:1-17]

Disciples of Jesus makes reference to commandments see link:, accessed 27th June 2022.

Every Government’s Nightmare

The age-old idea that ageing is a problem when really it is a good solution to population overgrowth. The ageing problem is probably for the rich though. Watch ‘Interview with a Vampire‘ and think about how depressing it would be to live for hundreds of years. Hopefully not as a vampire though. Also, ‘Jupiter Ascending‘ is another good reference.

Research and Slowing Aging Process

See also, Seven Ages of Man. This is a historic understanding of ageing as such, there is a focus on men but women go through ages too. Men and women are determined via chromosomes.

Are Government MPs Lawful?

The law is so complex today that every area of law requires a specialist. Even the MPs in government cannot abide by every law. So is everyone in the UK a criminal? In a multi-cultural society, how does one know the difference between right and wrong? Does right and wrong make a difference in law?

Are our law changes done to break down business in the UK by foreign spies working in government?