Elon Musk, Turning Bond Super Villian?

Pumping chemicals into the sea and Cornwall, England should probably never appear in the same sentence let alone in an article. The idea of pumping out these chemicals seems monstrous. However, it is my understanding that the waste output from water companies already has Magnesium Hydroxide in it[1]. So was the news about Magnesium Hydroxide just a throw-away checky remark from Musk gone too far?

England will not say no to Canada because they have the best Uranium for our nuclear power plants. 🙂 Why else would we risk destroying Cornwall a worldwide known holiday hot spot? Will it be just Magnesium Hydroxide or is it 10-20% something worse? Did they include the disposal of all the dead fish and oceanic wildlife in this deal?

Another related article: What is Ocean Acidification?

(Just watch out because I think some rich people are trying to paint Elon Musk as a supervillain… to damage their reputation. Note, I don’t know him personally.)

[1, 13th July’22, What is Magnesium Hydroxide, https://www.wwdmag.com/editorial-topical/what-is-articles/article/21004707/what-is-magnesium-hydroxide]

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