Highway Code Changes, Including Cyclists

The highway code applies to anyone using the roads. (Including cyclists!) A new version is due to be released in print in the next few months.

I remember doing a cycling proficiency years ago but some rules are the same. Cycling proficiency is now replaced by the Bikeability course. Check your regional council departments for details.

There is also a website for training information children and adults:


References on gov.uk:



Suicides by Occupational Group 2011-2015

[https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/articles/suicidebyoccupation/england2011to2015, accessed 21st Jan 2022]

I used to be in group 3. Then moved to group 9 by terrorists. It is 8 days until the anniversary of Katie’s death.