Carbon Output from Humans Just Breathing?

The word put out on the street, so to speak, in the UK: It is better for health to go on walks rather than runs… Hum building a theory here on CO2 output from humans…

“The average person exhales approximately 2.3 pounds of CO2 per day.”[1]

I understand that figure is with minimum exercise from looking at their calculator on the site (see [1] below). (2.3 pounds in kg is 1.04326 kg).

According to Worldometer on a Google search, there are 7.888 billion people alive on Earth at present. (July 2023)

7.888 billion x 1.04326 kg = 8.229 (3dp) billion kg (or 8 million metric tonnes PER DAY) in just breathing air in and a percentage of CO2 out.

“In 2019, humans emitted more than 35 billion tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels. It can be difficult to picture a “ton” of a gas like CO2, […].[2]

So in 2019, 95 million (not sure if it is metric tonnes or US or UK ton???) of CO2 and other gases per day from burning right?

4.7 million metric tonnes of fart per day based on 1.2 litres per day worldwide (based on the density of methane, but there is a mix of gases not just methane).[3]

Summary Calcs

8.2 + 4.7 = 12.9 million metric tonnes of gases from humans (total world population per day) (not including anything else i.e. motor cars).

12.9 * 365 = 4.708 billion tonnes of gases per year for the total population on Earth breathing and farting (don’t get me wrong this is a very loose calculation and most likely got it a bit wrong somewhere). In any case, kiss goodbye to ‘carbon neutral’, another government blunder.


[1, How Much CO2 Do Humans Produce? Human CO2 Exhale Calculator,by Georgette Kilgore for, accessed 26/07/2023]

[2,, accessed 26th July 2023]

[3, Ten facts about why we fart,, accessed 26th July 2023

Side Notes

JUST A SIDE ISSUE HOW MANY HUMANS CAN YOU HAVE BEFORE THERE’S NOT ENOUGH BREATHABLE AIR? Here is an article about that: (Be aware that trees are not the only oxygen-generating plant life.)

I could take my thoughs into a more scentific approach but I probably need more oxygen. 🙂

This is all about humans and does not include all animal life or the natural recycling of gases via plants etc…

Mistaken for a Jew

This is what happened when Salisbury (UK) police spread a rumar that I were a Jew:

I got antisemitism and physiological attack by a gang. I had people shouting at me in the street (as this spread to other areas). – Not Devon.

So sorry Jewish community that this is what you face. I am not a Jew, not a Nazi and not a Satanist. Okay?

I got told to ‘go home’ because the rumar included that I were a Polish Jew.

The Christian Ten Commandments

“1) I am the Lord thy god, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
2) Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
3) Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
4) Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
5) Honor thy father and thy mother.
6) Thou shalt not murder.
7) Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8) Thou shalt not steal.
9) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
10) Thou shalt not covet anything that belongs to thy neighbor.”[1]

[1, The Ten Commandments, Jewish Virtual Library,, accessed 27th June 2022]

[For more information see Christian bible, Exodus 20:1-17]

Disciples of Jesus makes reference to commandments see link:, accessed 27th June 2022.

Every Government’s Nightmare

The age-old idea that ageing is a problem when really it is a good solution to population overgrowth. The ageing problem is probably for the rich though. Watch ‘Interview with a Vampire‘ and think about how depressing it would be to live for hundreds of years. Hopefully not as a vampire though. Also, ‘Jupiter Ascending‘ is another good reference.

Research and Slowing Aging Process

See also, Seven Ages of Man. This is a historic understanding of ageing as such, there is a focus on men but women go through ages too. Men and women are determined via chromosomes.

Counter-Terrorist Police Take Back Seat Against Extremism

The counter-terrorism police have decided to take a back seat against extremism in the UK. They allow false media reporting to go unanswered risking human life and recklessly endangering families. Mainly on failure to act against radical and extremist groups and behaviours.

I was attacked by a radical/extremist group and the counter-terrorist police have not acted. They have allow atrocity to be commited against me which countinues…

I reported a serious offence in about 2011 and nothing was done. Leaving both myself and my family to come under attack. I’ve been destroyed by criminals and you allowed them to continue, haven’t you.

I’ve been attacked because of other people’s names in papers as well because you don’t understand how thick people are. There are some people in this country that are so thick they can actually get you killed just because they are stupid. That is one of the problems I have been experiencing over the last few years.

Some of the illegal activities are by regular civil police. So what I am to do? My complaints go ignored as well.

Cheaper to drive than use trains…

I was looking at the current ticket price between two cities for cost to commute. It is still cheaper to drive the distance and back than to use the train service.

Trains are a waste of money. It is a false economy to expect drivers to use public transport when a train taking many more people, often with no seating, should pay more than a car driver driving a car. So a car might cost £250 a month in commuting costs but the train is £450 per month. You also have less flexibility using trains and don’t always get a seat, plus they are late sometimes. You’re paying so much more for so much less. That extra charge should be classed as fraud. Those that have to use a train are effectively hostages to the train operators. The ticket price should be half what it is now. To encourage people to use trains not cars you should be paying less and you are sharing with a number of others as well so that should put the price down not up.

What a mess are transport is.

Highway Code Changes, Including Cyclists

The highway code applies to anyone using the roads. (Including cyclists!) A new version is due to be released in print in the next few months.

I remember doing a cycling proficiency years ago but some rules are the same. Cycling proficiency is now replaced by the Bikeability course. Check your regional council departments for details.

There is also a website for training information children and adults:

References on