Cheaper to drive than use trains…

I was looking at the current ticket price between two cities for cost to commute. It is still cheaper to drive the distance and back than to use the train service.

Trains are a waste of money. It is a false economy to expect drivers to use public transport when a train taking many more people, often with no seating, should pay more than a car driver driving a car. So a car might cost £250 a month in commuting costs but the train is £450 per month. You also have less flexibility using trains and don’t always get a seat, plus they are late sometimes. You’re paying so much more for so much less. That extra charge should be classed as fraud. Those that have to use a train are effectively hostages to the train operators. The ticket price should be half what it is now. To encourage people to use trains not cars you should be paying less and you are sharing with a number of others as well so that should put the price down not up.

What a mess are transport is.